Chapter Resources


Cancer treatment should be focused on treating not just the cancer, but the person with cancer at all three levels: the spirit, the soul, and the body. This chapter explains why the treatment of cancer must be multifaceted in order to achieve full healing.

In this chapter, Dr. Jimenez discusses the slew of factors that can cause cancer and its characteristic hallmarks. He explains how addressing the root of the problem can help create an unfavorable environment for cancer cells to grow and thrive.

There are a variety of tests used to detect and diagnose cancer. But some of these tests have associated risks, such as exposure to harmful levels of radiation or even potentially risking spreading the cancer! In this chapter, Dr. Jimenez outlines the safest tests for diagnosing and assessing your progress with cancer treatments.

The first of the 7 Key Principles of Cancer Therapy is Non-Toxic Cancer Therapies. Many of these therapies are derived from natural, God-given elements such as light, sound, heat, water, and oxygen. This chapter describes some of the foundational non-toxic cancer therapies used at Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers.

This chapter discusses Immunomodulation, the second Key Principle. In order to heal from cancer, a strong immune system is critical and immune therapies must both strengthen the immune system, and help it recognize the cancer. Dr. Jimenez outlines a variety of therapies used at Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers that are designed to strengthen the immune system.

The third Key Principle is Full Spectrum Nutrition. In this chapter, Dr. Jimenez discusses The Garden Food Plan, Hope4Cancer’s anti-cancer diet based on foods available in the Garden of Eden.

In addition to eating healthy, life-giving foods, supplements are another component of Full Spectrum Nutrition. Because fruits and vegetables contain only 30-50% of the nutrients they contained 50 years ago, supplements are not only helpful, but necessary. This chapter outlines specific supplements that help restore the body’s bioregulatory functions.

Detoxification, the fourth Key Principle, involves therapies that utilize the body’s 5 means of detoxification to eliminate harmful toxins that can come from surprising and unlikely places. Learn more about the various sources of toxins and how to keep yourself safe from them.

Cancer cells thrive in an oxygen-poor environment, thus, the fifth Key Principle is Oxygenation. In this chapter, Dr. Jimenez discusses oxygen therapies that can be used both clinically and at home.

The microbiome is the collection of trillions of microbes that co-exist with us. Over time, the microbiome can become imbalanced, affecting the immune system and creating an environment conducive for cancer to develop. Consequently, Restoring the Microbiome is the sixth Key Principle. Strategies and therapies for re-balancing the microbiome are covered in depth here.

The way you live has an enormous impact on your healing and is just as important as the treatments you pursue. In this chapter, Dr. Jimenez discusses numerous positive lifestyle tools that have been proven to aid in cancer healing.

The seventh, and arguably the most important Key Principle is Spiritual and Emotional Healing. This chapter discusses this principle from the perspective of having a relationship with God and how that is foundational to finding healing at the spiritual level.

At Hope4Cancer, the BEST (Behavioral, Emotional, Spiritual Therapy) program was developed around the last Key principle of Spiritual and Emotional Healing. This chapter discusses how thoughts and emotions can cause cancer and how the BEST program can help heal emotional, cancer-causing conflicts.

Healing from cancer is not just about removing cancer cells— it’s about resolving the underlying factors that caused it in the first place. This chapter brings it all together by summarizing the 7 Key Principles of Cancer Therapy and explaining their effect on restoring the body, mind, and spirit to live a full, active, and purposeful life.